Case Study

Keto Clock

A native app experience that reinvents Keto tracking

The Challenge

With Keto diets and fasting becoming so popular, our client was looking to capitalize on a growing market trend. The challenge involved - how do we identify, track and present the most relevant data to users while keeping them engaged? The result was a robust mobile app that allowed users to find popular Keto recipes fast, enter their daily caloric intact and track their ketosis state all from an elegant interface.

Launch Project

What we did

  • Branding
  • Product UX / UI
  • Design System


Simplifying the user experience

We focused on data entry as being our number one priority, the user had to be able to enter a meal, save a recipe or track their macro nutrient levels from anywhere in the experience. This allowed us to prioritized efficiency over feature set and tailor the experience to the needs of the customer.


A design system built to scale

We started with a base level component library that quickly expanded into 100+ variations. Keeping track of the variations was important and critical to how we evolved each pattern as the project developed. By spending the proper time and effort to document our process, the developers were able to integrate the designs more efficiently without relying on the team for guidance.